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Writer's pictureMira Gietzel

Tools for Happiness

Feeling good is the number one priority in my life, and it definitely shows and radiates to those around me. Happiness isn't a goal, it's a by-product; and it's not a destination, but rather the journey.

Happiness is something we all yearn for, however many of us were taught that authentic happiness stems from materialistic things outside of ourselves such as status symbols like a big house, a flash car or instagram followers. But in truth, happiness in its purest form comes from the energy within ourselves; it's a learned grace and it's sustained through the internal process of awakening and conscious mindfulness.

Stop thinking you'll be happy when you loose 10 pounds, have more money, or find love. Stop wasting your life waiting and choose to create, manifest or find happiness today to help create a better future by being the next best version of yourself, now.

Here are my 10 fundamental tools for creating happiness that I practice daily to make the most out of this one precious life we were given:

☾ Gratitude

Gratitude and appreciation is the first and most fundamental tool of being happy. It makes us more positive, reduces stress, and this awareness of what we're grateful for lessens our tendency to want more all the time, and as a result helps us make more friendships and deepen our existing relationships. Constantly remind yourself of reasons to be happy and grateful for the life you were blessed with, whether that be your morning coffee, good health, food on your table or house over your head.

I am utterly grateful for; my loving & supportive family, access to education, political stability away from Trumps reign of terror and regular ocean swims in my beautiful country.

Law of Attraction / Manifestation

The Law of Attraction is a mantra I live my life by. It's about the power of the universe to attract whatever we think about, good or bad, as through regularly focusing on or visualising your thought or dream, the power of the mind will translate and materialise them into reality. If you focus on negative thoughts and anticipating failure, you are only encouraging that negativity to continue throughout your life, but by focusing on goals and ambitions in an affirming perspective, good things will come when you send those positive vibrations into the universe.

Manifestation has worked for me in so many aspects of my life; in attracting friendships with positive likeminded people, progressions towards my future career, feeling good within my body and soul and most importantly helping in my daily journey of happiness.

☾ Genuine Friendships

Surround yourself with positive influences and likeminded people with genuine mindsets and goals who will support and motivate you rather than just gossiping, complaining and putting down other people or themselves constantly. The energy of those around you greatly affects your own mood, so think about who you want to be spending time with.

☾ Change

Stop fearing change, its inevitable for growth and works to your advantage when embraced. Create your own change if you're unhappy in an aspect of your life, whether in your relationships, job or daily patterns and routine.

One of my jobs was making me consistently unhappy and had me stressed and irritable outside of my workplace, so a few days ago I decided to be in control of my own happiness and made the spontaneous decision to leave.

☾ Forgiveness & Letting Go of the Past

Holding grudges is such a waste of energy and only allows negativity to enter your life. Learn to forgive and forget for the sake of your wellbeing and happiness. Forgiveness doesn't necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you or condoning of their actions, but is more about finding peace and understanding to move on from the past grievance and accept it as a life experience.

After high school I reached out to the girlfriends I had a falling out with, and all for the better as it rekindled our great connection and love for each other that otherwise would've been lost in negativity.

☾ Meditation

I believe wholeheartedly in the power of meditation and its endless benefits. Not only does it cleanse and nourish the body and soul and ultimately increase your happiness, it also decreases anxiety, expands your consciousness, helps gain clarity and peace of mind, as well as sharpening your mind to draw focus towards goals and manifestation by setting intentions. When you meditate, you are in the space of vastness, calmness and joy and this is what you emit into the environment, bringing harmony to the universe and your surroundings.

Find a meditation outlet that works best for yourself; I practice yoga as often as possible as well as daily sessions of deep breathing with just sitting and reflecting for a 10 minute session. Other beneficial types include simply listening to music, creating art, journaling your thoughts or exercising.

☾ Being Present

When you begin to add more mindfulness into your life and when you stop and smell the roses, you'll find that the stress of the future and the regrets of the past simply melt away. Excuse the cliches but live as though it's your last day on earth. Stop worrying about how you look 24/7 and what others are thinking of you, and quit infatuating yourself in other's lives, whether through admiration or jealousy. Being present is the secret key to being free; you won’t feel tied down by expectations, worries and past experiences, you’ll be freer to do as you please, take risks and live life how you want to.

☾ Embrace All Opportunities

Embrace every opportunity that comes your way and stop letting fear dictate your life. The best memories and experiences often result from doing something scary and taking that leap. The universe is working its magic to reveal your true path and destiny, and by turning away opportunities you are only holding back your life and growth from what you could be, (I highly suggest reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho for an insight into discovering ones personal life destiny).

I always regret turning down auditions or job opportunities in the past due to the fear of failure or from inhibiting change out of being comfortable in my current ways. Even if I did take the chances and didn't succeed, I wouldnt have to sit here and wonder "what if".

☾ Love Yourself

Self love is a journey and an exponential force that takes dedication, devotion and practice. Resolve to love yourself each and every day and watch your best self blossom and your greatest life unfold. You are allowed to love yourself- it is not condescending, as to truely love someone else you must first learn to love yourself.

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha

My personal journey to self love started when I stopped worrying and obsessing about my weight. This is the biggest, menacing construction of society among young women that drives capitalism and industry profits by degrading body image. I am by all means not the slimmest girl out there, but I am healthy and oh so happy. Stop comparing yourself to others, you are you and will never be anybody else. You are not a slave to the cult of the perfect body or trapped to the idea that you must change to be better, so learn to make the best of what nature blessed you with. Skinny does not equal happy, please let that resonate.

☾ Nourish

One way of practising self love is through treating your body right by nourishing it with nutrient-rich foods. What you put in is what you get out; you can't expect to eat processed junk constantly but feel fabulous. Treating your body like a loving vessel will not only boost your self-love, but also show when your skin starts glowing and your fuelled with more energy. Be intentional about what you put into your body, not only because you want to look good but because you want to feel good and ooze happiness out of every pore.

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