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Writer's pictureMira Gietzel

Manifesting Your Dreams Into Reality

Today's blog post is about a topic I believe in wholeheartedly, that has made a huge influence in my life. But since this journey is a personal experience that differs within each person, it's a difficult process to express in writing. However since it is very present in my life right now I would like to share it with others to help you reach your dreams and desires too.

Around this time last year, I met a person in my travels who taught me all about the Law of Attraction and shifting into a conscious way of thinking to manifest your dreams. Ever since then my way of thinking has flipped completely and my new energy has brought me harmony, utter joy and a clear goal path to work towards.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to dictate whatever we imagine and attract what we focus on into our lives. The power of the mind materialises our thoughts into reality, so if you're unconsciously thinking destructive thoughts and self-doubt, your reality will continue to reflect this negativity. But if your mindset positively reinforces the goals you wish to achieve, these actions will come into fruition in your life.

So many people are unaware of the utter power of our thoughts to dictate our lives, and their potential is locked within them unknowingly. We have 50 to 70 thousand unconscious thoughts a day, which is why it is so important to understand what energy you are putting into them. Leaving your thoughts and emotions unchecked consequently sends out the wrong energy that attracts unwanted events into your life.

You can manifest the relationships and love you want, your career goals, mental and physical health and attract success and abundance into your life. Once you become in control of your manifestations, your life will be positively rewarded and fulfilled with limitless potential, and I truely owe my personal happiness to this way of thinking.

Here are seven habits to implement in your daily life to start activating your manifesting energy and unlock access to your full potential and happiest self:

➳ IDENTIFY what you want. Make it clear, write it down, and keep a diary to journal your goals and break them into achievable milestones. Understand WHY these are your intentions and connect meaning to the feelings they evoke. This will lead you to a place of inspiration that is guided by the real you, and not any external influences by trying to please or impress others.

➳ VISUALISE your life as if you are already living your dreams and how you will feel when you obtain them. Think about it with positive affirmations and emit positive, conscious energies into your thoughts, as the universe will replicate these into reality. Create a vision board to subconsciously connect with your aspirations every day.

➳ LET GO of any resistance and internal thoughts that are holding you back from these desires. Stop thinking about what you lack that is holding you back from happiness, as these negative emotions will continue to act as a barrier and will only grow as a problem. Accept your life for how it is in the present moment while you work towards a prosperous future.

➳ STAY PRESENT - the past and the future do not exist, all you ever have is the present moment so why waste your energy where it is not contributing to your happiness right now. Although it is necessary to visualise an abundant future, you must still be aware of remaining content in the present moment, rather than waiting to be happy when you finally achieve your desire. If you are constantly yearning for something else or something more, your future will remain unattainable and forever left unsatisfied. My favourite book of all time, The Power Of Now, has taught me so many lessons in maintaining a present mindset, and I highly recommend you read it too.

➳ GIVE GRATITUDE and be appreciative of all that you have. Exhibit kindness, patience and listen to those around you, as gratitude unlocks our positive vibrations that lets us see how lucky we truely are and opens our minds up to possibility. Be aware of every opportunity you are given, and look at each personal experience as a chance to learn and grow without holding regret towards mistakes.

➳ SELF LOVE is the biggest key that is central to happiness and success in all aspects of life. Celebrate yourself daily and take care of your body and soul with mindful meditation, nutrient abundant foods, taking time for rest and always listening to your heart. Observe your self-talk and the thoughts and affirmations you feed yourself, as these mantras will manifest themselves into your self perception and emotions.

➳ ASTROLOGY - I know this isn't everyones cup of tea, but personally I find direction and answers through tarot and angel card readings. I purchased the original Rider Waite tarot deck and have taught myself readings that reflect my past, present and future destiny. I also believe the power of zodiac signs to reflect and impact my feelings and experiences, so I stay present and acquire an understanding of my star sign with a daily horoscope app on my phone. I create energy through surrounding my personal space with crystals that reflect my desires - my rose quarts to attract love, amethysts to aid my creative thinking and clear quartz to heal my anxieties.

Understand that good things require time to manifest into reality, your dreams won't happen overnight so its important to stay patient in the process of visualisation. I believe in divine timing, as things will happen when the timing is right in your life. Everything and its timing happens for a reason and the process requires your trust and surrender to the universe's plan for you.

Ultimately through this beautiful process, the world does not change, you change. Only you can allow opportunity into your life and remove negative mind blocks that are stopping you. I hope my tips can positively influence your way of thinking and positive outcomes within your life.

Manifesting your dreams won't work unless you do, so it's all up to you to create your own magic. Everything you need if already within yourself; believe in your own purpose and capabilities.

May the last 2 months of 2017 be the plot twist and change you have been waiting for. xxx

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