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Writer's pictureMira Gietzel

Tips for finding motivation

I know the feeling all too well, of wanting to stay in bed for days on end, binging on Netflix and feeling like your goals are going nowhere so you may as well give up. There’s days and weeks where getting to the gym seems like an impossible task, I feel like dropping out of university, and have zero motivation or creativity to write a blog post. BUT, I pour myself a coffee, put on my big-girl pants and do it anyway. Why? Because I know I’m the only person who can shape my life and happiness, and need to put in the time & effort to see results.

Be the best version of yourself now and future you will thank you; the more you push yourself today the closer you are to your ultimate dreams & desires.

No matter what your goal or focus for your motivation, here’s some simple steps to keep you motivated and on-track for the long run:


The first step to finding your motivation drive is to have a clear picture in mind of what you want to achieve. Write it out, envision it, and understand a clear path of the steps you need to take to get there. Imagine the feeling of success and accomplishment when you reach it, and regularly remind yourself of the end result.


Get out of the habit of leaving things to the last minute, procrastination isn’t cute. Stop pushing things back and telling yourself “you’ll do it later”, because this only leads to getting stuck behind and stressed out down the track. When I have a task to-do, I make a deadline for myself to have it complete, and stick to a daily schedule which I plan in a small diary I can carry around, as well as using my phone calendar and reminders.


Visualisation is a very powerful motivator, I use images and quotes to help keep me inspired, and use them as my phone lock screen or print them for a vision board. Instead of scrolling through social media mindlessly, use it to motivate your goal. Whether it’s looking up Tammy Hembrow to motivate me to get to the gym, or stalking bloggers Instagram’s to see how far they’ve come, images really do help stem creativity and motivation. Pintrest and Tumblr are my favourite sources of inspo.


Having a creative corner in your home designated specifically to getting your work done really helps your organisation and productivity. Make it a space that makes you feel relaxed yet determined, and decorate it with a vision board of things that inspire you, a planner/calendar, a comfortable desk chair, and lots of natural lighting and flowers or a plant to boost your mood and make it aesthetic. Keep it your area de-cluttered, and if possible keep it separate to your relaxing zones such as your bedroom, the temptation to get into bed is too real.


When I started going to the gym, getting myself there was the biggest challenge of it all, but after forcing myself to train every single day, it became a part of my daily routine and now I can’t go without a workout. Whether it’s exercise or diet or study related, make your goal part of your daily ritual and before you know it it’ll happen naturally without hesitating. It takes 21 to form a habit, start now.


Be easy on yourself and take time out regularly to refresh and regroup. You can’t be productive if you’re exhausted and burnt out. This break may be just what you need to reflect on your goals and get back into it better than before, but don’t spend too much time away from working towards goals, because this can set you off track even more. Give yourself a daily outlet to practice mindfulness, such as mediation, working out, or switching off your phone for an hour a day.


Treat yourself with rewards to look forward to at milestones along the way and at the end of your journey. Donuts taste so much better after a week of healthy eating and smashing your workouts, and a Netflix binge is more satisfying after a hard day of work when you know you deserve it.

So dream big, work hard and learn to create your own sunshine, good things will always come to those who hustle.

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